Welcome to the Studio

Capital Pottery Studios operates a little differently than other studios in the Ottawa area. Since we don’t teach classes you aren’t restricted to being in the studio when classes aren’t in session. Access to the studio is therefore much more possible throughout the week. We also don’t supply glazes. It’s been our experience that many intermediate and advanced potters gravitate toward glazes and glaze combinations not possible in an open studio environment. Clay is purchased at the same prices reflected at Capital Pottery Supplies & Materials since there isn’t additional charges for studio supplied glaze and firing fees.

We have two types of memberships; Resident Memberships and Monthly Memberships.

Resident Memberships are for potters that want the freedom to be in the studio often and make as much pottery as they wish. The Resident Membership comes with one full kiln firing for bisque and one full kiln firing for glaze each month. A very large shelving system is afforded to each Resident Membership space to coordinate greenware, bisqueware and finished pottery. A Resident Membership can be for 1-3 people sharing the space and services of the membership.
Resident Membership for one person is $550 per month
Resident Membership for two people is $600 per month ($300 each)
Resident Membership for three people is $675 per month ($225 each)
Monthly Memberships are for potters that have more schedule restrictions in their lives and won’t be using more than 20kg of clay per month. The Monthly Membership comes with one box of porcelain or stoneware clay that we will fire for bisque and glaze. Remember we don’t supply your glaze. A single shelf will be assigned to coordinate greenware, bisqueware and finished pottery.
The Monthly Membership for one person is $250 per month.